7digital.com is based in London and operates globally. As a leading digital B2B media delivery company, it provides cloud-based services, MP3 music, e-books and video services to partners of diverse fields around the world. The cloud based eco-system enables partners to develop services. The 7digital API-based technology platform with comprehensive rights agreements within the entertainment industry form the foundation of a client's digital entertainment services. Partners include Samsung, Toshiba, Sony-Walkman, Blackberry,O2, Coca-Cola, Nestle, and others like FMCG brands, Record Labels and Sports Brands. The company has over 1 million music & video downloads on offer. It is also for mobile devices, handsets and smartphones. The 7digital mobile store has been developed to cater to this market. It can also run on multiple screen sizes including tablet PCs. Make use of the 7digital Fire Service discounts available here.